Start with our signature Pixie Necklace
Handmade pearl jewelry tailored to your loved ones
with premium pearls selected for their beauty and gem quality.
Necklaces arrive in a uniquely designed three-tier Pixie Pearls jewellery box.
Simply choose your necklace combination:
Pearl colour:
- Classic white
- Pink
- Lilac
- Tahitian
Number of pearls:
- 3
- 5
Necklace chain colour:
- Silver
- Rose Gold
A beautiful gifting experience,
full confidence in your investment and future time saved.
Beautifully gifting love

We believe that all women should own quality pearls
and we have a fun and simple gifting journey.
Our jewellery pieces are stylish and stunning editions worn separately or together.
With each special occasion, pearls continued to be gifted to form the ultimate 'forever gift' -
a classic pearl necklace cherished for a lifetime.
Knowing your gifts ahead for years to come saves you time
and last-minute shopping stress.
Pixie Pearls are perfect for all gifting occasions: Christmas, Birthdays, Christenings, Graduations, and Weddings.
Gift smart. Invest beautifully. Gift Pixie Pearls.
Why people love Pixie...
I'm happy to be investing in my daughter's future by gifting her something that she can keep forever. It makes so much sense. She can pass it down as an heirloom and she will always remember and hold dear that it's from me.
Gifting with Pixie Pearls makes my life so much easier. I know where to go every year for my god daughter's birthday present, will save so much time not needing to look for gifts. It always takes ages and now that problem is solved for the next 10 years!
The Pixie necklace is beautiful! I've been wearing it everyday since my boyfriend gave it to me because it looks good with work outfits and casual on the weekends. I love it!